Allegations website
Procedure in the event of an allegation being made against members of staff.
Attendance and Admissions web
Website Policy attendance and Admissions
Behaviour Policy web
We aim to create a secure, purposeful and orderly environment in which nursery can learn and develop as caring and responsible young people.
Complaint Policy web
General complaint policy.
Confidentiality and Whistleblowing web
We aim to ensure that all parents and carers can share information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children.
conjunctivitis exclusion policy
Conjunctivitis exclusion policy
Data Security web
General Data Protection Regulations and an individual’s rights as set down in the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Equal Opportunities and Inclustion web
Merry Poppets Nursery is committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards.
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease Exclusion Policy
Hand foot and mouth exclusion policy
Health and Safety Policy web
In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act, the provision maintains safe working conditions and ensures that all employees, paid or voluntary, are sufficiently aware of and practise safe systems of working.
Key Person Role Policy web
The role of your child’s key person is to promote a healthy emotional attachment with your child providing trust and secure relationship.
Medication/Sickness and Accidents policy for Children website
Guidelines issued by Public Health England on the provision of medication to children.
Missing Child and Uncollected Child web
All settings have in place systems for the protection of children.
Mission Statement web
Website Mission Statement
Mobile Phones and Cameras Policy web
Restrictions for Mobile Phones and Cameras.
New Arrival and Departure Policy web
This policy is in place to ensure the safety of each child as they arrive in nursery and to ensure that all children depart safely at the end of their session.
Observation Assessment and Record Keeping web
There are two main types of assessment in the EYFS -on-going assessment which is what practitioners do on a daily basis to make decisions about what the child has learned or can do already.
Outdoor Learning Policy web
At Merry Poppets Nursery we value outdoor play as an intrinsic part of the curriculum.
Parent and Partnership Policy web
Parents and carers as partner’s policy.
Photography and Video Recording Policy web
Photography and Video
Prevention of Bullying & Harassment (Children) web
Bullying & Harassment Nursery Policy
Risky Play Policy web
Children need and want to take risks when they play. Merry Poppets nursery aims to respond to these needs and wishes by offering children stimulating, challenging environments for exploring and developing their abilities.
Safeguarding Children Policy web
Safeguarding Children Policy
Social Networking Policy web
The internet provides a number of benefits for staff. However, when someone is identified with the setting or discusses their work, they are expected to behave appropriately when on the internet.
Special Educational Needs Policy web
Policy for the education of children with special educational needs and disability.
Treasure Basket & Heuristic Play Policy web
To provide new and interesting sensory, problem solving, sorting and investigation experiences which are suitable for all age groups.
Visitors Policy inc Code of Conduct for Visitors and Contractors web
Website Visitors policy